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4/20: A Look Back and Forward

Posted by Megan Kulick on April 21, 2021
4/20 is a day to celebrate all things cannabis, but it also provides an opportunity to look back and see how far we came come as a collective cannabis industry. This is especially true on this particular 4/20.
[VIDEO] There is a place for you in the Cannabis industry and you can find your place at Ayr!!!
Last 4/20, most cannabis operators, us included, were trying to adjust to COVID-19 in real time. During this time, states deemed cannabis providers as essential businesses, reinforcing what we’ve known for a long time: The wellness and wonder cannabis provides is a vital part of our customers’ lives.
This broader acceptance of cannabis fueled a wave of legalizations across the country and an acceleration of cannabis industry investments. At Ayr Wellness, we have expanded our footprint to seven significant states.
State level legalization has increased pressure for federal reform and is driving a broader reexamination of cannabis policy and opportunity for positive change. Regulation with a focus on equity and inclusion has the potential to materially improve the lives of many in our communities.
As we look back on 2020, we at Ayr Wellness are proud to share the positive efforts and impact we have made in the communities we serve. We continue to support those affected by the War on Drugs through programs that include legal assistance, education, and job placement through programs like CultivatED. We are also thrilled to soon be announcing a new recruitment initiative, giving our team members an opportunity to describe their own path to join Ayr and the cannabis industry.
We encourage everyone to take a moment on this 4/20 to reflect on the incredible year it has been for the mainstreaming of cannabis. May the next 12 months bring even more progress, reform, growth and acceptance of the wellness and wonder of cannabis!